Thursday, April 16, 2009

At 1o Ti0n..

There's actually an interesting book that i've been reading halfway entitled The Secret Behind Trials by Harun Yahya. I haven't finished it yet but for me this book really taught me a lot about how we as muslims should act when we encountered any difficulties, frustration or misfortune in our lives. It is easier to say that we should stay strong and never give up on our lives no matter what happens but once we are tested with great failure or misfortune it turns out to be the other way. Hence, we as muslims should set in our mind that no matter how hard or difficult the tests from Allah, never lose faith in Him and be patient in facing all those things.

These are a few informations that I'm gonna share with you..
( source : The Secret Behind Trials by Harun Yahya)

Allah tells us that believers will undergo many tests in this world. For example, they will be tested in their personal lives and with their possessions, or will be confronted with traps set by unbelievers and be falsely accused. In other words, they may encounter difficulties at every stage in their lives. But the important thing is that they continue to practice the Qur'an's morality in difficult times, remember Allah without ceasing, give thanks, and realize that everything will turn out well.

people are responsible for serving Allah and for submitting and remaining attached to Him in all circumstances. One way to show this attachment is to be patient in all difficulties and frustrations in this world.

Moreover, such times may come along when least expected

and last, or seem to last, for a long time. For example, a rich

person may become poor, a successful person may encounter sudden failure, and another person may lose a loved one, become ill, or handicapped. But regardless of the test, Allah promises endless good things to those of His servants who patiently endure them.

We will test you with a certain amount of fear and hunger,

and loss of wealth, life, and fruits. But give good news to the

steadfast. Those who, when disaster strikes them, say: "We

belong to Allah, and to Him we will return." Those are the

people who will have blessings and mercy from their Lord;

they are the ones who are guided. (Surat al-Baqara, 155-57)

Or did you suppose that you would enter the Garden with -

out facing the same as those who came before you? Poverty

and illness afflicted them, and they were shaken to the point

that the Messenger and those who believed with him asked:

"When is Allah's help coming?" Be assured that Allah's help

is very near. (Surat al-Baqara, 214)

As a mercy from Him, Allah has created various trials for believers and then made them easy to endure, provided that they remain faithful to Him and put themselves in His hands. Those Muslims who truly believe and sincerely submit to Him see a lesson in the constant change that appears to them, and they contemplate it eagerly and with thankfulness. Similar to someone who sits comfortably in a theater watching a movie, they follow with joyful trust the destiny prepared for them. Sometimes these scenes are full of activity

or frightening; other times they may be pleasant and serene But in their totality, however, there is the joy and eagerness of belief.

Frightening scenes have been especially prepared and planned

down to their slightest detail. But in the end, all of them are included in Allah's knowledge and under His control. Those Muslims who understand the reality of destiny and grasp the secret of its trials see each instance of misfortune, hunger,

or poverty as a good thing and take great pleasure in it, knowing

that the fine moral character they display in the face of these trials is very precious in Allah's sight. This type of joy is unique to believers. When confronted by such difficulties, Muslims do not give way to melancholy, stress, pain, panic, or fear, because they know that Allah will change all of these things to their advantage. In the

Qur'an, Allah says to believers:

... Allah will not give the unbelievers any way against the

believers. (Surat an-Nisa', 141)

Those who say: "Our Lord is Allah" and then go straight will

feel no fear and will know no sorrow. (Surat al-Ahqaf, 13)

Not so! All who submit themselves completely to Allah and are good-doers will find their reward with their Lord. They will feel no fear and will know no sorrow.

(Surat al-Baqara,112)

Yes, the friends of Allah will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. Those who believe and have done their duty, there is good news for them in the life of this world and in the Hereafter. There is no changing the words of Allah. That is the great victory! (Surah Yunus, 62-64)

For truly, with hardship comes ease; truly, with hardship

comes ease. (Surat al-Inshirah, 5-6)

So, believers trust in His endless justice, wait for this promised

relief, and never lose hope. They remember that something good

will come after the difficulty ends, either in this world or the next

always trusting in Allah is a mean for believers to attain

love and contentment

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