-he was born on 24th feb 2009
- still baby though..about 6 weeks
- i love his smell..i think i've addicted to it.. hoho..
- he loves to cry very LOUDLY..so annoying laa..just because umi breastfeed him a little late..
- he really loves to sleep in the bedmaster room coz there is AIR COND..cerewet bdk kecik nih! hehe..
-he'll sleep easily if he was really sleepy..that's why i said it's not easy to make him sleep..hoho..it was quite tired though to babysit him.. 0 0 !
- i think i can lose weight easily doing this thing everyday..hahaha (babysitting my annoying little brother)
-i love to make him annoyed and crying..it was a really wonderful feeling..hohoho..i love this kind of activity!
- he's really cute especially when he smiles..well he's definitely my little brother!
-he knows when we bad-mouth him..hoho..
-he loves to do a lot of movements..exercise ke dik?..sometimes it looks like he is riding a bicycle with his legs going up n down..
-he loves to POO..bucuk ah..
- despites of all his annoying behaviours ..i still LOVE him very much..muahaha.. xoxo
he was in a labour room..welcome to the world!
he was still being covered with blood..hooho.. :p
adikku y dh dibersihkn drpda darah..
now i'm already clean..who wanna kiss me? hehe..
now he knows how to smile..say cheese!
so cute! muahahaa..
sbb once dia dh nangis mmg ssh nk brenti ..
penat woo nk mjaga bdk kecik ni..
the right time to make him annoyed..
come on..who wanna join me?
when he cried, he didn't look so cute laa..
my dad loves to make him cry..
well, like father like daughter..hehe.. :D
tgk laa wa'ie tido ngan hebatnyer..smpai melelh kuar susu
dri mlut die..adei adikku!
dri mlut die..adei adikku!
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